Vybrali jsme několik nejlepších tweetů od dvou astronautů, kteří momentálně tvoří posádku Mezinárodní kosmické stanice. V prvním případě se jedná o evropskou astronautku Samanthu Cristoforetti, ve druhém případě o amerického astronauta Terryho W. Virtse.
Pokud chcete sledovat aktuální tweety z ISS, ale nejste na Twitteru, můžete pravidelně navštěvovat naší stránku Země živě, kde jsou také živé záběry Země z ISS.
(IT) Ciao #Irlanda e Regno Unito! In molte delle nostre orbite il cancello per l'Europa. pic.twitter.com/7dzzMY2FIK
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 2, 2015
Hello Dominican Republic! Nested in the green is capital Santo Domingo, a #WorldHeritage site! #UNESCO pic.twitter.com/Ak1ZqEQo2W
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) December 30, 2014
And good night from #space. E buonanotte dallo spazio. #HelloEarth pic.twitter.com/7AprKrvolp
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) December 29, 2014
(IT) Complimenti a tutti! Ciao Montevideo, #Uruguay. (Buenos Aires sarà per un altro giorno). pic.twitter.com/qkaUgDWF1z
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) December 23, 2014
(IT) e vicino ma di notte…ciao Abu Dhabi and Al Ain! #HelloEarth pic.twitter.com/WkyCztO1YX
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) December 18, 2014
L+20 L+21: Logbook. The @Space_Station is starting to feel like my home… https://t.co/3pSv8OgVio pic.twitter.com/QM6MSb6o17
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) December 15, 2014
(IT) Uno sguardo a Egitto e Medio Oriente dallo spazio.Alcune delle più antiche civiltà sono fiorite in queste zone! pic.twitter.com/U28EBZpzJ0
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 11, 2015
Fascinating planet, always different, always a surprise. Pianeta affascinante, sempre diverso, sempre una sorpresa. pic.twitter.com/UsBbOWIM33
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 9, 2015
(IT) Ciao Spagna! Il delta del fiume Ebre visto dallo spazio, un'importante zona paludosa del Mediterraneo. pic.twitter.com/ZMc0xbmheI
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 8, 2015
(IT) Sembra un enorme crepa nel ghiaccio ma penso si tratti del bordo del lago Khovsgol in #Mongolia. Cosa dite? pic.twitter.com/5PiJv1ZOqr
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 5, 2015
We haven't seen this for a week! Night in the cupola – #welcomeback "normal" orbit pic.twitter.com/O3lyYvpWa5
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) January 4, 2015
The characteristic red patterns of some Sahara regions. Always a mesmerizing sight. #ColorsOfTheEarth #HelloEarth pic.twitter.com/jlepdsezOh
— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) January 4, 2015
Wearing purple today- and rooting (with @astroReid) for @Ravens as they play @Patriots pic.twitter.com/j0gmnQmoX7
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) January 10, 2015
#Wrangell Mountains #Alaska – home to some of the highest peaks in #NorthAmerica pic.twitter.com/z9ETTvl2eJ
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) January 8, 2015
Full moon setting- can’t wait until we go back there again! pic.twitter.com/GDAMirYiZB
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) January 7, 2015
#Moonset behind Earth’s atmosphere appears to land on a soft pillow of #clouds. #astronomy #SpaceVine https://t.co/fVAEAOnUVi
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) January 1, 2015
#Paris #France on a sunny December day pic.twitter.com/e3qQQOeFo8
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 31, 2014
Clear day over the Canadian Arctic – as seen by @AstroTerry onboard ISS pic.twitter.com/W85XFV54XF
— David Saint-Jacques (@Astro_DavidS) December 29, 2014
The Palms and The World Islands #Dubai pic.twitter.com/9Y1XewE63J
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 27, 2014
Our version of Christmas lights, the station color glow during every day-night transition #SpaceVine https://t.co/vlpHiu0Bis
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 25, 2014
#Italy, Sardegna, Corsica, Sicily, and Africa- beautiful at night! pic.twitter.com/ZdYzVUN7DJ
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 21, 2014
#Bahamas looking back at the sunglint in the rear view mirror… pic.twitter.com/CI87eY80Np
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 21, 2014
Splendor of color and lights where #Asia meets #Africa pic.twitter.com/PPodvJI7Cl
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 20, 2014
this ghost seems to show up every night between Canada and the UK pic.twitter.com/lpm6w0MTAU
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 9, 2014
Excited to advance the #SpaceVine collection. Robot arm takes position as Earth and solar panels rotate. https://t.co/7pnnLmFQEw
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 9, 2014
“Great lakes & central U.S.” #AstroButch pic.twitter.com/TvEdT6wTZW
— NASA Astronauts (@NASA_Astronauts) December 8, 2014
Mexico by moonlight – buenos días México pic.twitter.com/BmShJjyshB
— Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) December 7, 2014